
Algol Group structure

The Group comprises six business units: Algol Chemicals, Algol Diagnostics, Algol Technics, Algol Trehab, Histolab Products and Suomen Unipol (ownership 75 %). 

The Board of Directors of the parent company Algol Oy is responsible for the governance of the entire Group and the appropriate organisation of its operations. The Board focuses on issues related to its ownership strategy, financing and the use of Group resources.

The parent company is also responsible for the Group’s shared functions. These include, for example, financial administration, property management, ICT, corporate responsibility, the Group’s internal and external communications, and the Algol brand.

The implementation of good corporate governance at Algol is supported by the policies and group’s code of business conduct.


Algol is a Finnish family business. The Bargum family owns 100% of all company shares. The three largest shareholders own 98% of the shares.  

Group management

Supervisory Board

Kaj Hedvall, Chairman of the Board
D.Sc.(Econ.), M.Sc.(Tech.)

Alexander Bargum

Johannes Bargum

Kenneth Nystén
B.Sc. (Econ.), MBA

Kristina Pentti-von Walzel
MSc (Econ.), M.Soc.Sc.